It’s all about Monday!!

For everyone Monday is like first day of weekdays..working day..!!

For me it’s my Sunday ☀️..!!

Ya totally I do rest on Monday. After weekend everyone should have one more day off for rest..just worries..!!

We do lots of activities on weekends and work on weekdays so Monday should be our official Sunday. I don’t know about others 🤓 but it’s mine. So I chose to publish my first blog on “Monday” on my “Sunday”..!

I lived and worked in India for many years, and I never knew what a "weekend" was. In fact, the concept of a Saturday off was completely foreign to me. After I graduated from college, I got a job at Zensar Technologies, a software and services company. I was assigned to the services department, and I never got a Saturday off. I was grateful that I had Sunday off, but I was envious of the software engineers who got Saturdays off.

Now that I live in the United States, I see that people take work-life balance very seriously. In India, however, people don't seem to care about work-life balance. I used to work about 60 hours a week, and that was considered normal for most people in India. It didn't matter what your job was, everyone was expected to work hard. 

I got married and moved to the United States. I married an engineer in Silicon Valley, and I was surprised to find that the weekend is for doing a lot of activities, such as meeting friends, hiking, going to movies, and going to the beach. Most of the time, I don't have time to rest. This is true for every weekend.

I don't understand how people manage their work and these weekend activities. I salute all of those people, including my husband.

I think "Tuesday Morning" store agrees with me. Signing off from my first post. See you guys on next Tuesday.


  1. Wonderful 1st blog test! Congrats! I too feel exactly same about Mondays.. they are the new Sunday :)

  2. Nice :) I am also a Tuesday person !!


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