Mind your own busyness..!
Early in the morning my phone starts ringing. From my deep sleep, I silenced the call. But my friend was persistent. After the 3rd ring, I looked at the phone and recognized by childhood friend is calling. I was very excited. Our call lasted for 2 hours. It was so much to fun to remember the old days. She was my bench partner in 10th grade. Actually we have been classmates from kindergarten till 10 grade. Last we talked that was 3.5 years ago, and she remembered my words that “you can call me anytime”.
Before marriage I was a free bird, after marriage too 🤗. All my friends became busy after their marriage, so I thought I would also be very busy after marriage. But actually it is not like that. You can manage time for job, hubby, hobbies and friends. Even after a child, I still have free time (actually this blog was started after I had a child). It is a decision of each person if they want to take out time for someone else or not. I think sometimes people are not busy they are actual lazy to pick up phone and call. I miss my school friends but they are too lazy 😅oops I mean busy😕…
The goal should be to spend quality time with husband/children or any family members. Quality time is time when you are just talking to each other and not being distracted by anything else. This means No TV, No Phones or any other gadget.
It’s hard but not impossible to have some free time.
Are we seriously so busy in this extremely fast running world? Actually most of us are experiencing stress in our life. This constant race to be up to date leads to exhaustion, burn out in pretty much all of us. After all we are humans (not machines).
It’s hard but not impossible to have some free time.
Are we seriously so busy in this extremely fast running world? Actually most of us are experiencing stress in our life. This constant race to be up to date leads to exhaustion, burn out in pretty much all of us. After all we are humans (not machines).
Many of us just take vacations to help ourselves recover.
I have been practicing meditation from my childhood. I spend precious moment with myself. No future planning, No thinking of past, No doom-scrolling. Just enjoying the silence (thoughtless) with myself in the present. So here is my secret being in the meditation is actual a vacation everyday.!!!
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