The Joy of clutter.
As a mother, I know how hard it can be to keep a tidy and organized home. There are always toys, clothes, books, and other things scattered around the house. Sometimes I feel like I’m drowning in mess. Sometimes I feel like I’m failing as a parent. Sometimes I feel like I should be more like those people on social media who have perfect homes and perfect lives.
But then I look at my child. I see him playing with his things. I see him exploring his ideas and expressing his creativity. I see him having fun and learning new things. And then I realize that clutter is not a bad thing. Clutter is a sign of life and personality. Clutter is a sign of happiness and curiosity. Clutter is a sign of him. Celebrates the messy house as a sign of life, love, and learning.
And that’s something to be proud of, not ashamed of. That’s something to embrace, not hide. That’s something to celebrate, not worry about.
Clutter can make you happier by reflecting your personality and memories. Think about it: what does your clutter say about you? It shows what you like, what you do, what you care about. It shows your hobbies, your passions, your interests. It shows your history, your achievements, your relationships. It shows who you are.
Your clutter is a part of you, and it makes you happy to see it around you. It reminds you of the good times and the bad times, the joys and the sorrows, the highs and the lows. It reminds you of how far you’ve come and how much you’ve grown. It reminds you of what matters most in life.
Clutter can make you more creative by stimulating your imagination and inspiration. Some people might think that clutter is distracting and stifling for creativity. They might think that a clean and minimalist space is more conducive to generating new ideas and solutions. But that’s not necessarily true. In fact, research has shown that clutter can actually boost creativity by providing more stimuli and opportunities for serendipity. Clutter can spark your imagination and curiosity by exposing you to different objects, colors, textures, shapes, and patterns. Clutter can inspire you by reminding you of past experiences, emotions, stories, and dreams. Clutter can challenge you by forcing you to think outside the box and find new ways to use or combine things.
Of course, I’m not saying that clutter is always good or that cleaning is always bad. I’m not saying that you should never tidy up or organize your home. I’m not saying that you should live in chaos or filth. I’m just saying that you should find a balance that works for you and your family. A balance that allows you to enjoy your home and your life without feeling guilty or stressed.
For me, that balance means having some rules and routines for cleaning and organizing, but also being flexible and forgiving. It means having some baskets and bins for storing and sorting things, but also letting some things stay out and visible. It means having some areas that are clean and neat, but also some areas that are messy and cozy. It means having some days that are dedicated to chores, but also some days that are dedicated to fun.
A house is not just a place to keep things neat and tidy, but a place to share experiences and memories with your family and friends. That’s why we call it HOME.
That’s how I deal with my messy home. That’s how I embrace my cluttered home. That’s why I don’t stress over the mess anymore.
That’s why I love my cluttered home. It’s mine, and it’s beautiful. And I hope you do too.
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